Families, here is the next opportunity to protest the closure of your school

Dear ECS Families-
The Buffalo Board of Education is holding its regular meeting next Wednesday, April 21st. BPS encourages the public to sign up and comment, including children and students. To sign up, you must call the board office before Tuesday, April 21st at noon at 816-3568.  More information about the public comment policy is at https://www.buffaloschools.org/Page/55. This is a powerful opportunity to let the district know your concerns about the board vote to close ECS.
One important piece of information is that ECS is good standing, because our students have been growing in their performance in Math and ELA as of the 2018-2019 assessments:  Enterprise Charter School on the NYSED Data site
You can view Buffalo Public School status here: https://data.nysed.gov/profile.php?instid=800000052968 and compare for yourself. 
Thank you for all your hard work this year. We're still here for you and your children. 