BPS Family Transportation Reimbursement Program

Pilot program details

The BPS Board of Education is launching a pilot program to reimburse Buffalo School District families for mileage to transport their children to school, including charter schools.
  • You must be eligible for BPS Yellow-bus transportation
  • You will agree to opt-out of BPS Yellow-bus transportation
  • You will receive a monetary mileage reimbursement of 58.5 cents per mile
  • The deadline to apply is September 30th

How do I sign up?

  • You must use this form https://bit.ly/3BFVC27 and submit on or before 9/30/22
  • You'll need your students' 90000000 Student ID number in the application
    • ECS can provide you with this number. We will be texting it to our families or you can call the office.
    • Newly enrolled students may not have this number yet.
  • Be sure to select "Enterprise" from the list of schools on the application
  • Agree to all terms at the bottom.
Note that enrollment in this pilot program is not guaranteed. Enterprise Charter School will not be able to provide any assistance other than confirming your enrollment and student information to BPS. Any further questions or support should be directed to the Buffalo Public Schools. https://www.buffaloschools.org/global1  
BPS Pilot Program